Bus drivers driven round the bend by bad parking

Drivers of buses and other large vehicles are being driven crazy by people parking inconsiderately in the centre of Campbeltown.

Motorists who frequently park on the double yellow lines in Longrow South, close to its junction with Main Street, are causing such a problem that bus company West Coast Motors has already had to reroute one of its services – and may have to do the same with others.

The problem was particularly evident last Thursday, when two buses carrying school children were unable to manoeuvre from Main Street into Longrow South, and had to sit stationary in the road for about 10 minutes.

The vehicles were only able to continue their journeys – still with some difficulty – when one of the parked cars was moved.

John Martin, operations manager for Campbeltown at West Coast Motors, told the Courier: “It is causing an issue and we are looking at it quite closely.

“We’ve had to reroute the Carradale school service, omitting the stop on Longrow, because it is a bigger coach on that journey.

“We are prepared to reroute all vehicles from Longrow if the parking does not improve.”

With more than 25 buses travelling via Longrow South/Longrow some days, the parking situation is causing frustration for drivers on a daily basis.

Mr Martin added: “There have been occasions when drivers have had no other option but to pass Longrow South and travel down round by The Royal Hotel, continuing the route at the other side, but it misses out Longrow and it’s a popular stop.

“We don’t want to lose it from all routes, but if something isn’t done about the parking, that’s what we are going to have to do. We have no other option; we can’t have drivers struggling every day.”

Mr Martin said West Coast Motors has contacted the council numerous times and has even suggested ways of alleviating the problem, including narrowing the pavements at the mouth of the junction and installing nibs on either side to give the coaches clearance to get round, but they have not received a response.

An Argyll and Bute Council spokesperson told us: “Parking irresponsibly is having an impact on pedestrian and traffic safety and is leading to wider complications for local services.

“We ask, again, that people are considerate and do not park on double yellow lines. Police Scotland still has powers to enforce dangerous parking and obstruction and this could result in a fine or removal of your vehicle.

“Our parking wardens are deployed across Argyll and Bute on a rotating schedule. With ongoing budget cuts, limited resources and a large geographic area to cover, it is a difficult balance to strike but we continue to deliver reasonable and appropriate enforcement throughout the area.

“In the meantime, please be considerate and think before you park.”

Sergeant Matthew Shaw, partnership sergeant for Oban, Lorn and the Isles, Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands, said that Police Scotland will continue to work in partnership with Argyll and Bute Council to maintain the safety of the road network.

He added: “Whilst enforcement of parking on double yellow lines lies with the council, where members of the public have concerns about dangerous parking or obstructions, we would encourage them to contact us through the usual channels, or attend their local police station to discuss the matter with our front office staff.”