Business owners gather to help formulate Arran Island Plan

More than 60 business owners and individuals with an interest in the future economic prosperity of Arran joined with government and non-governmental organisations to help formulate and refine the Arran Island Plan in Brodick Hall last week.

The plan is a 10-year programme for Arran, developed in partnership with the Scottish Government, North Ayrshire Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and the Arran community.

Representatives from North Ayrshire Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce met with attendees at the meeting which discussed the business aspect of the plan.

The plan is made up of three strands: community, led by interim chairperson Sheila Gilmore; economy, led by Alastair Dobson; and environment, led by Simon Ross-Gill.

Local businesses added their voices and requirements to keep the plan current and to fully represent the unique needs of island businesses.

After the workshop, which filled Brodick Hall, around 20 members of the Islands Team met to discuss the plan in the context of the National Islands Plan which provides a framework and 13 strategic objectives for action to improve outcomes for island communities.

The Arran Island Plan also includes an action plan which will be put together by a delivery group. This will provide an opportunity to test new ways of working across local government, Scottish Government, HIE, community planning partners, island communities and businesses to deliver the objectives and share learning.


Business owners discuss the Island Plan and their views and requirements. 01_B44IslandPlan01_23_business_owners_discuss

Business owners Kenny Bone and Gordon Kinniburgh with Arran councillor Timothy Billings. 01_B44IslandPlan02_23_Bone_Billings_Kinniburgh

There was a good turnout of around 60 people at the workshop. 01_B44IslandPlan03_23_good_turnout

Attendees were divided into groups which shared their findings and views with all of the other business owners. 01_B44IslandPlan04_23_groups