Letters, November 3 2023

Keep hedgehogs in mind on bonfire night

As many people gear up for bonfire and firework season, it is vital to remember wildlife at this time of year.

A bonfire pile looks like a five star hotel to a hedgehog seeking a safe and cosy winter home to hibernate in. They aren’t to know we plan to set light to it!

Taking just a few extra minutes to check for wildlife really does make a difference and helps save the lives of hedgehogs, other wildlife and pets.

The British Hedgehog Preservation Society has a three-step plan to help ensure the safety of hedgehogs on bonfire night:

1) MOVE the materials to clear ground on the day they are to be lit
2) CHECK the pile carefully just before striking that match
3) OFFER an escape route by only lighting from one side – this gives anything hidden in the heap one final chance to escape.

It is vital that all three steps are carried out to give hedgehogs the best possible chance to escape the danger of a lit bonfire.

Hedgehogs tend to hide in the centre and bottom two feet of the bonfire, which should be checked by gently lifting the bonfire section by section with a pole or broom.

Never use a spade or fork as these can stab them. Using a torch will help to see any signs of life, and listen for a huffing sound, which is the noise hedgehogs make when disturbed.

Fay Vass, chief executive, British Hedgehog Preservation Society.

Help shape delivery of winter payments

From winter 2024, the Pension Age Winter Heating Payment, which will be an annual payment, will replace the UK Government’s Winter Fuel Payment in Scotland.

The Scottish Government are consulting people across Argyll and Bute to understand who should be eligible for this payment, when and how it should be delivered, and what measures can be put in place to support those living off the gas grid. The consultation closes on January 15, 2024.

The new Pension Age Winter Heating Payment delivered by the SNP government will help over a million pensioners in Scotland with their heating costs, including thousands in Argyll and Bute.

The SNP government is committed to helping the most vulnerable through the difficult winter period – but it is vital people make their views known of how this payment can best be delivered.

Since setting up a devolved social security system with compassion, fairness, and respect at its core – 13 benefits, of which seven are unique to Scotland, have been established.

Social Security Scotland is set to deliver £5.3 billion in devolved benefits in 2023-24 alone, supporting over 1.2 million people as the SNP continues to deliver every day for the people of Scotland.

The consultation can be completed at: https://consult.gov.scot/social-security/pension-age-winter-heating-payment

Jenni Minto, Argyll and Bute MSP.