Machrihanish pair purchase second holiday park

Machrihanish Holiday Park owners Ian Aitken and Ewen MacDonald have purchased a second Argyll holiday park just six months after achieving a five-star VisitScotland rating in Kintyre.

With 10 years of holiday park ownership under their belts, the pair felt it was the perfect time to expand their business when Lochgilphead Caravan Park was put up for sale by Ewen’s parents.

“Ewen’s mum and dad had owned the park for many years and, when they put it on the market so they could retire, we decided to purchase it,” said Ian. “Ewen will be the third generation of the family to run the Lochgilphead park.

“It’s similar to Machrihanish in that it is a very good park, but what’s a bit different is that it’s in an area where people may be travelling up to Inveraray or Oban, whereas Machrihanish is the destination in itself because it’s at the end of the road.

“We will be encouraging as many people as possible to travel from Lochgilphead down into Kintyre too.”

Ewen MacDonald and Ian Aitken, owners of Machrihanish Holiday Park, are celebrating after finding out they have received a five-star VisitScotland rating after a decade of investment.
Ewen MacDonald, left, and Ian Aitken have been successfully running Machrihanish Holiday Park for the last decade.

Ian and Ewen officially took over the running of the Lochgilphead park on Wednesday (November 1) and are already putting improvement plans in place.

“The park is already at a very high standard, so there isn’t too much to do but what we probably will do is invest in more holiday homes and increase the number of vans available to rent in the park,” explained Ian.

The pair will still mainly be based in Machrihanish but will be overseeing operations at both parks, and are not planning to make any staffing changes in Lochgilphead.

“We are keeping on the team that is already there,” said Ian, “as the park will be run in a very similar way as before.

“It’s a really busy time for us but it’s exciting as well – it’s a good weekend to be taking over, with Mid Argyll Round Table’s incredible fireworks display and bonfire being held on the front green, just across from the park, on Saturday.”

Asked if they are planning on building an Argyll holiday park empire, Ian replied: “No, I don’t think so! Lochgilphead is another good sized park, in a good location, and it fits well with Machrihanish, so I think that will be the perfect balance for us.”

As well as expanding Lochgilphead’s offerings, the pair plan to continue investing in Machrihanish, increasing the amount of holiday homes and lodges there as well.

“We are hoping that both parks will help to bring many visitors to this beautiful part of the country,” said Ian.