New food sharing operation planned for Mid Argyll

A plan is under way to create a centralised food sharing operation in Mid Argyll with one distribution point.

At present, three organisations provide services in this area.

Moving On Mid Argyll (MOMA) assembles food parcels for distribution through partners, including the Citizens Advice Bureau and social work teams.

Mid Argyll Youth Development Services (MAYDS) provide emergency food to young people and families.

And the Snowdrop Centre in Lochgilphead offers surplus fresh food and 24-hour access to basic supplies.

Earlier this year, these organisations set up a working group, supported by Argyll and Bute Council, social services and a Co-op “Member Pioneer” to examine how they could streamline their operations to reduce the level of food waste in the area while still providing essential help to those who need it.

As part of this work the opinions of local people, local food businesses and other interested parties were sought via a combination of an online survey and face-to-face discussions.

MOMA said the results were helpful to the project team and will be used to inform the work going forward.

All respondents supported the idea of a food share operation in Lochgilphead, serving the community of Mid Argyll, and most felt it should be open to all, non-judgemental and discreet – and also that it must be properly managed, MOMA said.

In the survey it was felt that a place offering food sharing should also provide a warm welcome, friendly advice – and a cuppa.

Fresh food should be on offer as well as cupboard basics, but the importance of good food hygiene and stock control was recognised.

Outlying communities were also seen as important, and it was felt the food sharing centre should have the facility for collection and redistribution.

Good and widespread marketing was identified as key, so people know where and when to visit.

“The team is now working on the best solution and would like to thank all those who responded for their input,” said MOMA trustee Kim Ritchie.

“In the meantime, the three organisations will continue to work to provide the best possible service to the community of Mid Argyll and we can’t do that without help.

“Donations of food can be made to MOMA via the box in the Co-op and via local churches and the Snowdrop centre are always grateful for any excess produce or other donations for their food share operation.

“Of course, Christmas is coming up on the horizon and that is a time when many people need a little extra help.”