Police files – November 3 2023

Domestic assault

At 11.50pm on Tuesday October 24, at Lochnell Street, Lochgilphead, off duty police officers have allegedly witnessed a woman assaulting a man at a residential address in the street. As a result of what was seen the address was entered and a woman arrested. Following enquiries, a 22-year-old woman has been charged with the offences detailed. She was released on undertaking to attend court at a later date to answer the charges.

Assault of police officer

Officers were tasked to assist with a child that had reportedly run off from the home address at 6.20pm on Monday October 23 in Lochgilphead. Having located the female quickly, she was returned home whereby she then allegedly punched an officer in the face and undertook sustained verbal abuse of another officer. The 12-year-old girl has been reported for early and effective intervention.