Thought for the Week, November 3 2023

As I write, the television is on and the news programmes are covering the ongoing crisis in Israel and Gaza.

There is a real feeling of fear and worry about the future, not only for those countries, but also the knock-on effect across the whole of our world.

It is clear that mankind is capable of intense hatred towards those whose opinions, values or beliefs differ from ours.

There has to be a better way to act.

Jesus said: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who ill-treat you.”

How different our world would be if we were able to do these things.

Notice that what Jesus commands is not passive. We are not simply to say we love our enemies and do nothing else. Jesus says love your enemies by doing good to those who hate you.

This is a huge challenge to us, one which, we might say, cannot be done.

Yet it can be done. There is one who has shown such love.

The Bible says: “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us,” and “God so loved the world that he gave his only son (Jesus) so that those who believe in Him may have eternal life.”

Man cannot show such sacrificial love, at least not without help, but that help is available to us.

God lives in the hearts of those who believe in Jesus Christ. By drawing on His power at work in our lives, we too can show a love for all people that expresses itself in doing good to those who hate us.

A love that would change our world.

Gordon Cosgrove, Springbank Evangelical Church.