Nuts about Brazil adventure

Oban u3a went on a virtual trip to Brazil thanks to speaker Chris Adie who spoke about his trip to Brazil.

His talk was beautifully illustrated with photographs and maps following the course of his journey earlier this year.

“He and his wife consider themselves to be some of the oldest backpackers around which emphasises the u3a ethos – you’re never too old!” reported Sue Pollard.

Next month, Emma Law will speak on The Scottish Air Ambulance Service.
Outwith the normal monthly meetings, Donald Shell continued his series on Post War British Politics covering the 1960s and 70s with a talk entitled Winds of Change and British Decline.

Next month, the topic is Thatcher and her Long Shadow, covering the 1980s and 90s.

In addition to talks such as those detailed above, there are currently another 20 interest groups covering everything from languages to science, crafts and even pickleball.

“Come and laugh, live and learn,” said Sue encouraging new members go join.

See the Oban u3a Facebook page and website for details of these and future events.


Caption: Oban u3a was recently entertained by Chris Adie who spoke about his Brazilian Adventure
Photograph; Chris Adie