Community lights up sky in Kinlochleven

The Kinlochleven Community came together one again for a spectacular fireworks display, organised by the Island Park SCIO, which has succeeded in making the recently overgrown and unusable park into a centre of village activities.

Tyler McDade enjoys lighting up the dark with a sparkler. Photograph: Iain Ferguson,

Many local companies helped make the Guy Fawkes Night celebration a great success by donating their services in providing the impressive music and light show, generators for safety lighting and tents, as well as the volunteer firework lighters, marshals and in setting up before the audience arrived.

Fireworks resemble a growing plant. Photograph: Iain Ferguson,

Other than the fireworks, children of all ages were able to enjoy toasting giant marshmallows over a fire pit and have fun making light shapes with sparklers.

A display in the sky timed to perfection. Photograph: Iain Ferguson,

Island Park chairman, Matthew Prosser said: “It was a great evening and thanks to everyone who donated their time and equipment, with special appreciation to the Kinlochleven Benefit Fund, which provided the finance for the whole event.

“Thanks also to everyone who came along and supported the display – it really is great to see the community coming together for this”.

Fireworks light up the sky in front of an appreciative audience. Photograph: Iain Ferguson,