Fireworks light up the night sky

Friday and Saturday night saw bonfires and fireworks across Mid Argyll in the traditional Guy Fawkes night displays.

In Lochgilphead Mid Argyll Round Table, with some help from Mid Argyll Rotary and other helpers to build the bonfire, put on a fabulous display on Saturday evening courtesy of Fireworx Scotland across from the Front Green in the town.

The green and Poltalloch Street were crowded with people who turned out on a fairly mild evening to watch the fireworks across the water.

The round table members organise and raise funds for the display each year and would welcome any donations towards this year’s £2,000 costs via their page to keep the event going.

The previous evening, on Friday, Kilmartin held its own bonfire and fireworks display, inviting people from neighbouring villages to join the entertainment.

Kilmartin Community Initiative used Kilmartin Green for its venue and the bonfire and fireworks were suitably ooh-ed and ahh-ed over as the fireworks were set off.

Lochgilphead fireworks photographs: Aimee Mactavish.

Kilmartin fireworks photographs: Aileen Gillies.