Lighting up red for Remembrance

Lochgilphead’s war memorial and parish church are one again bathed in red light as part of Poppy Scotland’s ‘Light it up Red’ campaign.

Thanks to the Rotary Club of Mid Argyll, both the memorial on the Front Green and church on Oban Road will stay lit up, in remembrance of those who have fallen in conflict and war, until Sunday November 12.

The rotary club would like to give special thanks to the Church of Scotland and COS fabric convener Iain Davidson and Argyll and Bute council for supporting the event.

Each year Poppy Scotland’s Light Up Red campaign raises awareness of the Scottish Poppy Appeal up and down the country.

“We know from our Armed Forces community that it means a lot to them to see such a visible show of support and togetherness,” said Poppy Scotland.

“In 2022, around 200 locations lit up across the length and breadth of Scotland, and we hope to build on that success again this year.”

There is also an interactive map at which allows people to see what buildings and monuments have been lit up this year across Scotland and what other events are taking place.

Lochgilphead Parish Church has been turned red at night thanks to the Rotary Club of Mid Argyll.