Call at conference for action at Rest and Be Thankful

The Rest and Be Thankful and the terrible state of road connections across the Highlands and  Islands were high on the agenda at the Scottish Liberal Democrat conference in Edinburgh on Saturday.

The party’s autumn gathering agreed that it “notes with concern the vulnerability of the A83 to landslips and closures, as demonstrated on October 7, and calls for a permanent solution to make the road more resilient to bad weather”.

Members from across the country called on the Scottish Government to review current road safety measures and publish an impact assessment of the conditions of the A9, A82, and A83 on the local economy.

They added: “Conference reaffirms the Scottish Liberal Democrat commitment to, delivering core connections for the Highlands and Islands, including investment in programmes such as the A9, A96 and for the A82 and A83.”

Alan Reid speaking at the Scottish Liberal Democrat conference in Edinburgh.

One of the prime movers of the debate, former MP for Argyll and Bute, Alan Reid said during the conference debate: “When the A83 is closed at the Rest and Be Thankful the long diversion via Crianlarich, Tyndrum and Dalmally causes serious problems for local people and businesses. For example fish don’t keep well during a long detour.”

He called on the first minister to remember the promises he made when he came to Inveraray many years ago as transport minister.

Mr Reid concluded his speech by saying that in similar circumstances in Norway they would build a tunnel without hesitation and called on the Scottish Government to do the same.

Meanwhile topographical surveys, including the use of a drone, are to start on Monday November 13, subject to weather conditions.

These surveys are being undertaken to inform as the design work for the long-term solution at the Rest and Be Thankful.

The work is expected to last around three weeks, taking place Monday to Friday with no work at weekends.

Some traffic management measures will be required on the A83 and the B828 to allow the work to be carried out safely. These will include rolling lane closures with two-way traffic lights, moving as the survey work progresses.

A Transport Scotland spokesperson said: “These surveys will provide key information for the design work as we progress the preferred option for the long-term solution at the Rest and Be Thankful.

“The surveys are aimed at capturing features such as roads, service covers, structures, vegetation and boundary lines along the preferred route corridor.

“We apologise for any inconvenience these works may cause and would thank road users and local people in advance for their patience during the works.

“The contractor will closely monitor the operation of the traffic management measures to ensure that any delays are kept to a minimum.

“We would ask drivers to plan their journeys in advance using the Traffic Scotland website, Transport Scotland feed on X or Traffic Scotland radio.”