BID4Oban rallies support for flood action

BID4Oban is calling for a contingency plan to help businesses keep heads above water if another major flood strikes.

The organisation’s chief executive Andy Spence wants businesses that were affected by October’s severe weather and highwater levels to get in touch.

A series of meetings with Argyll and Bute Council have  been proposed after the issue was taken to executive council level last month and a progress update has also been requested on the Oban Flood Plan survey carried out a number of years ago.

Mr Spence wants businesses to raise concerns with ward councillors to get their backing.

In an update to BID4Oban levy payers, Mr Spence said: “The issue of flooding in the Lochavullin area will not go away and all parties need to get round the table to discuss the various mitigating options.

“We are aware that many businesses can now not get insurance to cover flooding and there needs to be some support available to allow businesses to trade.

“It is also worth highlighting that should an event occur where we lose for example some of our supermarkets for a period of time due to flooding this will have a major social impact on the town and surrounding area and there needs to be a contingency in place.”

The flooding issue was raised at BID4Oban’s AGM this month.

“I would ask that any businesses that were affected and want to be involved in providing feedback and attend proposed meetings with the council to contact us at the BID office,” he said.

BID4Oban can also be contacted by email at

To date BID4Oban has spoken with some of key businesses that were affected by October’s floods,  raised the issue with Argyll and Bute Council at executive level on  October 9, highlighted the critical nature of continued flooding across Oban and requested a meeting with council officer representatives to discuss the issues with all affected businesses.