Remember remember the 5th of November


Carradale Play Park committee hosted their bonfire event on Saturday November 4 at Wellpark Carradale.

Burgers and hot soup went down well with all in attendance and donations raised in excess of £300 to go towards a new play park.

Carradale Play Park.

Recently several items within the park had been condemned meaning that the play park had to be closed.

This is the only play park in 15 miles.

The committee will be continuing to raise funds and will launch an online JustGiving donation page soon.

The night was a great success and there will be more fundraising events to follow.


Bonfire night was organised by Gigha Primary School and pre-5 Unit Parent Council and was a really fun community event bringing all ages together over the warm glow of a huge bonfire.

Thanks go to Ben Bannatyne and his trusty John Brown, Colin Campbell from Campbell Marine and Dave Lanigan from Gigha Brewing for collecting wood from around the island and building the fire.

The children topped the pile off with a guy which they made at school on Friday afternoon.

All the seasonal fayre was served, hot dogs, hot chocolate and thanks went to Lorna MacAlister for her awesome toffee apples.

“It has been several years since a gathering for bonfire night has been held and it was really a lovely evening,” said Morven Beagan of the organising committee.

“The children were running around having fun with glowsticks, gazing at sparklers with awe (thanks Shona) and enjoying sweet treats.

“Adults were treated to some lovely hot drinks from Gigha Winter Bar; thanks Anna and Bailey.

“Thanks to Andy Clements for being our fire starter and making sure our site was safe.

“We were delighted to raise over £350 for our fund for a planned multi-use games area  in which we have secured £65,000 in funding with planning permission pending.”

The parent council is in a process of securing more funding and wants to keep the ball rolling.

Jane Millar (IGHT) and Lindsay Ramsay and Lori Ure  (Active Schools) have helped  to realise this project while Ardminish Stores and Muasdale stores are supporting it also by selling squares on football cards at £5.

“Thanks to everyone for their ongoing support, it’s very much appreciated,” added Morven.


A very successful night was had at Southend where a good crowd enjoyed the bonfire and fireworks spectacle in the sports field.

Organiser Southend Community Council received many positive comments and the weather was kind.

Hot dogs, soup, sandwiches and parkin pigs sold out.

A very good evening all round.