Thought for the Week – 6.11.23

Everyday Saints…

The dictionary describes saints as people of exceptional virtuousness or holiness; paintings imagine them streaming through heaven’s gates, halos marking them out from ordinary folk.

But look at the stories of saints and we discover very ordinary people who found that, in their varied experiences of life, having faith in God helped them. Some faced horrendous times, but through faith, believed that humanity can be better and, seeing glimmers of light even in the darkest days, worked to restore hope.

And these ‘everyday saints’, we continue to see around us: no more virtuous than anyone else, but discovering that faith in God inspires them to stand up for those without a voice, help those in need and bring a little light into the times when it feels as if darkness is overwhelming.

These ‘saints’ deeply mourn the atrocities we see around us, refuse to accept that injustice, conflict, dishonesty is inevitable, but work to show care, bring help and restore trust.

They were not born with polished halos but because of their faith, choose to run towards risk to help others and are determined to model kindness even when it’s not reciprocated.

That, for me is what God is all about and who I see in all the ‘everyday saints’ who help so many in the hardest places of our world.
It is what gives us all the potential to be a glimmer of light, to give a whisper of hope and, by the way we live, to share love that brings only the best for all.

The Very Revd Margi Campbell. Provost of St John’s Episcopal Cathedral, Oban.