Tobermory lodge marks 100 years

Lodge Tobermory St’ Mary’s No. 1310 celebrated its centenary in the Aros Hall at Tobermory in October.

“I would personally like to say a huge thanks to all the businesses and individuals who very generously gave  prizes for the raffle. Also, the Hebridean Lodge, Helen Swinbanks and staff  for a fantastic three course meal and The Aros Hall Committe for all there help,” said Willie Hume, Past Master Lodge Tobermory St’ Mary’s No. 1310.

Caption:  Centenary celebration. Pictured centre is the Right Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 1310 Josh Liddle,  to his right isthe  Right Worshipful Grand Master of Scotland, Ramsey McGhee and to his left is the Right Worship Provincial Grand Master of Agryll and the Isles John Stewart.