An evening of drama and music in Whiting Bay

Whiting Bay Club of Drama and Music will present a trio of fun plays and a number of musical performances by young local musicians at its evening of drama and music.

The popular annual offering will take place on Saturday November 18 at Whiting Bay Hall with the doors opening at 7pm and curtain up at 7.30pm.

The first play, Delayed, features Vikki Barbour, Val Brown and Patrick Scott, under the direction of Craig Maclachlan, and the second play, Forever Has Now Arrived, is a two-hander featuring Allan Nicol and James Mutch, directed by Vikki Barbour.

The third play, The New Meteorologist, features Beverley Scott, Andy McNamara, Alice Maxwell, Vikki Barbour and Val Brown, and it is, once again, directed by Craig Maclachlan.

Adding to the entertainment will be performances by The Arran Allsorts, a children’s choir under the direction of Alice Maxwell, the pipe and drum trio Skirl Power, harpist Aisling Coyle, Rosie McNamara on fiddle and Jesse Townsend on piano.

Patrons are invited to take along drinks and nibbles for during and after the show when they will be able to mingle with the cast and crew.

Tickets, priced £5 per person, will be available at the door.



An amusing scene from Delayed, one of the plays to be performed at the evening of drama and music at Whiting Bay Hall. No_B45WBdrama01_23_music_drama