Arran Banner 20 years Ago – week 45, 2003

Saturday November 8, 2003

Hallowe’en Special


Scott Rankin dooks for apples. 01_B45ABTYA01_23_Scott_Rankin

All of the guisers at Shiskine Hall. 01_B45ABTYA02_23_Shiskine_Hall

Shiskine’s Michelin Man. 01_B45ABTYA03_23_Michelin_Man

Jordan and Stewart Crawford as 118 Directory Enquiries. 01_B45ABTYA04_23_Jordan_Stewart_Crawford

Sheila Gilmore and Eilidh Kerr cut a colourful pair. 01_B45ABTYA05_23_Gilmore_Kerr

A young Shiskine fairy. 01_B45ABTYA06_23_Shiskine_fairy

* This will be the last 20 years ago in its present form. It was at this time 20 years ago the Banner changed from its previous A4 size to the compact format of today. However, knowing how popular this feature is with readers, we have decided to delve deeper into the archives and will be reflecting on 30 years ago, heading back to 1993, from next week.