Ed takes the trophy for island’s best honey

Ed O’Donnelly is this year’s winner of the Willie McNish Trophy for the best tasting honey as judged by members of Arran Bee Group.

The not-too-serious honey tasting competition involves beekeepers from across the island who meet at the Rangers Centre at Brodick Castle each year to blind taste-test the honey and select a favourite.

Ed was also the inaugural recipient of the trophy, which is dedicated to the memory of the late Willie McNish of Kildonan, who was one of the club’s founders in 2012.

The taste of honey varies from place to place, depending on what the bees have been feeding on and this year’s winners were the hard-working bees of Lochranza who feed on heather and blossom.

Last year’s winners were the bees from Lagg Distillery and it was Andy Walker who took the Willie McNish Trophy.

Arran Bee Group meets regularly during the bee season, however, it moves online to its @ArranBeeGroup Facebook page during the winter when the bees are less active.


Ed O’Donnelly, right, is presented with the best honey trophy by last year’s winner, Andy Walker. No_B45Bee01_23_Walker_ODonnelly