Fight goes on to save vital Brodick services

By Hugh Boag

Talks have been continuing this week to try to find a solution to the closure of the Bank of Scotland and the Post Office in Brodick which has left many in the village concerned over the future provision of services.

Last week Arran Community Council held a digital meeting with two senior Scottish managers to express their concerns at the proposed closure of the bank at the end of January 2024.

When the bank’s parent company, Lloyds banking Group, made the closure announcement in September, it suggested personal and business customers could use the Post Office which they said was “a one minute walk away” from the bank as an alternative.

However, less than a month later it emerged the Post Office at The Book and Card Centre was also to close next March.

At the community council meeting last week, chairman Bill Calderwood revealed the managers they spoke to were “not aware” of this development.

The bank has also promised that after the branch closes a community banker will visit the area, as the bank claims, “to continue to offer face-to-face targeted support for as long as the community needs it”.

But Mr Calderwood said no location had been identified for this service.

The community council also raised concerns over the public’s access to cash with the closure of the ATM machine at the branch.

However, the managers advised this was operated by the LINK network and the community council intend to pursue this further with that company directly.

Another suggestion which has been raised is the possibility of the bank and the Post Office being provided as part of a “hub”, a possibility which has been pursued by Cunninghame North and Arran MP Patricia Gibson.

But in a letter, Mrs Gibson told the community council: “I am afraid it would be hard to justify a hub at the moment in the Bank of Scotland premises when the bank closes, given that there is another bank operating on the island. However, if that were to close in the future, this would be a stronger consideration, but the better outcome of those choices would be retaining the bank facilities that are still there – no-one would want to lose the last bank.”

Other locations have been mooted as a possible location for the Post Office and Mrs Gibson added: “I hope and believe an existing business on the island will take over the running of the Post Office as an additional aspect to their business.”

A Post Office spokesperson in London said: “It’s too early at this stage to confirm what, if any interest, there has been in taking over Brodick Post Office after next March. A consultation process will begin on Post Office provision in the area once an alternative proposal has been identified and members of the community will have an opportunity to share their feedback on our proposal.”

A Bank of Scotland spokeperson said: “At the moment, there’s no update regarding the closure of the Brodick branch.”


The Bank of Scotland building in Brodick which is earmarked for closure. 01_B38bank01_23_brodick_branch-is35dlug-1024×661 (from library)