Sculptor Tim opens Edinburgh exhibition

Arran sculptor Tim Pomeroy has opened his sixth solo exhibition with The Fine Art Society in Dundas Street, Edinburgh.

He is exhibiting 16 smaller–scale sculptures in a wide range of materials. Tim is known primarily as a stone carver and what he will be showing largely represents his output over the last year. The exhibition opened today (Friday) will run until December 22, so there is plenty time to visit.

The Fine Art Society has a long, respectable history. Established in 1876, it has shown some of the most famous artists in history. Following a previous exhibition, Tim was described as “one of the most gifted and thoughtful artist stone-carvers of his generation”.

Tim’s stone carving is informed by the natural world, as those readers who know his pieces on Dan’s Walk in Merkland Wood, will testify. His eye and hand have a poet’s instinct towards metaphor and metamorphosis. A stone inspired by a polypore – tree fungus – for example can also hint at a skate’s wings, chiffon in a breeze or the movement of a sea creature.

An Arran stone cut in half, polished and carved with a gilded serpentine incision, becomes the living fossil of a river still flowing somewhere in some imagined underworld. A little golden boat is informed by the boats on the hard-standing in Lamlash but is also a vessel that might carry a soul to another world or dimension or a message from the Gods. Tim welcomes personal interpretations of his work. “Like as not, they’ll find a resonance somewhere in what I have made,” he says.

Tim’s work is included in several public and distinguished private collections, Kelvingrove Art Gallery, The EIS, The Esme Fairbairn Foundation, Strathclyde University, Gray’s School of Art, Chatsworth House and the collection of the Duke of Wellington to mention a few.

A sculpture is currently being acquired by the Leamington Spa Art Gallery and Museum. It is hoped it will be on display early in the new year.

He also takes on larger commissions and in July erected a large sculpture in an estate in Hertfordshire. He currently also exhibits with Beaux Arts London and Thirsk Hall Sculpture Garden in Thirsk, North Yorkshire, both of which carry one or several of his works.

Tim is one of several movers of Arran Open Studios and Corrie Film Club. He still has work in Arran Art Gallery and welcomes visitors to his sculpture trail at Whiterock at the Arran Open Studios weekend in August.

For more information on the exhibition visit


Tim Pomeroy at work at his studio at Whiterock. NO_B45sculptor01_23_tim_pomeroy

A front view of the Polypore II sculpture. NO_B45sculptor02_23_polypore_frontal

An Arran stone cut in half, polished and carved with a gilded serpentine incision.  NO_B45sculptor03_23_split_rock