Silence falls over Kilmory Church

By Hugh Boag

They came from all over the southend and beyond to bear witness to the closure of the last remaining Church of Scotland in the south of Arran at Kilmory last Sunday.

The historic parish church was packed with more than 70 worshippers of all ages to say one last farewell to the church, the last of four on Arran closed by the Church of Scotland in a restructing plan.

There was a poignant last ringing of the church bells to welcome members of the congregation to the service by regular bell ringers the Fletcher brothers, Hamish and Samuel, and, in a nice touch, everyone attending received a comemorative photograph of the church.

The last service was conducted by retired Arran minister, the Reverend John G Webster, who was interm minister for a short time at Kilmory some years ago. He was assisted by the Reverend Dr Ian Macleod, another long serving Arran minister.

In his children’s address, the Reverend Macleod repeated his message from Lamlash a week earlier that the church was not a building but lived in each and everyone in congregation. However, he said, there would be many sad to see the closure of a church with such a long and close association with the community.

There were some rousing hymns during the service including the final hymn, chosen by members of the congregation, the appropriate ‘We Have An Anchor’.

After the service, the congregation enjoyed teas and coffee in the transept and a special commemorative cake cut by Tod McNeish, the second last baby christened in the church, and Ailsa Cruickshank, the grand-daughter of Phyillis Picken.

The sun was shining over the hills surrounding the church as the worshippers left, shaking the hands of the two ministers, perhaps a sign that a future may yet be found for the church.

But for now, Kilmory joins Lamlash, Corrie and the Tin Church at Pirmill as places of worship no more.


Hamish Fletcher rings the church bells for the last time. 01_B45kilmory01_23church_bells

The congregation gathered for the final service. 01_B45kilmory02_23_last_service

The Reverend Macleod welcomes the worshippers. 01_B45kilmory03_23_church_pews

The Reverend Webster preaching to the congregation. 01_B45kilmory04_23_john_webster

The two ministers lead praise at the service. 01_B45kilmory05_23_two_ministers

Tod and Ailsa cut the commemorative cake with a photograph of the church. NO_B45kilmory06_23_cake_cutting