The Old Man of Storr economic growth opportunities

Significant progress has been made this year to develop ‘The Storr’ visitor attraction on Skye.

The next phase of improvements will deliver the ‘Ionad an Stòir’ centre, including a retail space and a multi-purpose room to exhibit art installations, for example. It will  also host small wedding ceremonies and gatherings.

Isle of Skye and Raasay Area Committee met on November 6 and commended the achievements and progress made to date and recognised the future economic growth opportunities at ‘The Storr’ for the Highland Council and Skye.

The Storr, an internationally recognised site, attracted approximately 260,000 visitors in 2023 and with this number set to increase, it’s essential facilities are suitable for purpose and enhance the visitors’ experience, the Highland Council said.

The Old Man of Storr project, abbreviated to ‘The Storr’ is “for the community, in the community, by the community” working with partners to celebrate the area’s rich heritage and Gaelic culture.

Isle of Skye and Raasay area committee chairman councillor John Finlayson said: “Community-led innovation is at the heart of this development, whilst being considerate of the environment, our unique heritage and Gaelic culture.

“Members are delighted to see the path, car park and the new website and digital assets in place and we look forward to the next phase of the project. Developing place-based projects like ‘The Storr’ opens opportunities for income generation but, more importantly, will support the overall management of this site to ensure it has a sustainable future.

“Building on improvements made to parking, paths, toilets and motorhome services, this next stage of development is geared towards the sustainable management and maintenance of the Old Man of Storr site, as well as encouraging local business opportunities and significant income generation for The Highland Council.”

The next phase of the project is supported by £440,000 from the Islands Infrastructure Fund, granted in September 2022, and £51,000 from the Community Regeneration Fund, granted June 2023, for the installation of the Ionad an Stòir unit and EV chargers.