Launch! Film night swells RNLI funds

A film night at Seil Community Cinema raised more than £250 for the RNLI.

After the screening of the archive film Launch! on Saturday November 4, there was a Q&A session with some of Oban lifeboat’s crew.

The film coincided with Covid when it first came out and and never made it to Oban.

Topics in the Q&A session ranged from the wearing of sowesters to the specs of the jet engines on the new Oban lifeboat due to arrive next month.

Around £250 was made, with brisk sales on the RNLI merchandise table and a bucket for donations, with more donations pledged from people who were unable to attend the evening.

Caption: Launch! A film night in aid of the RNLI at Seil Island Hall raised more than £250 for the life saving at sea charity