Argyll girls tackle hard at Evolution Series event

Mid Argyll RFC hosted youngsters from Campbeltown, Islay, Mull and Oban in Lochgilphead for the third Argyll and Bute Girls Evolution Series on Saturday.

More than 50 P1-7 and Under 14 girls took part in development games and mini coaching sessions at the event.

The main aim of the day was to work on and improve tackle technique, and this was something that everyone in attendance achieved.

Mid Argyll RFC had four girls in P4/5 and one in P6/7 at the series and they enjoyed being mixed in with the other clubs and getting plenty of game time.

The hosts also had seven girls playing at the Under 14s level as they played outstanding as a team, making some hard hits and scoring plenty of tries.

Mid Argyll won three of their games and drew with Oban, helping them to win overall.

Argyll and Bute Women and Girls Community Coach Drew Buckley said: “Thank you to the coaches and parents who helped make the day possible.

“Also, a big thank you to the 19th Argyll Scout Group who catered for the event. I look forward to continuing to organise future U14 A&B Evolution series, along with more opportunities for P1-7s to play all-girls rugby.”