Community football clubs hit the ‘Toon’!

Primary seven children from Lochnell and Oban community football clubs travelled to Newcastle earlier this month for a special two-night break.

The purpose of the visit to the ‘Toon’ on Friday November 3 was to give the youngsters the chance to train with Newcastle United Youth Academy coaches.

This was part of an action-packed weekend that included swimming, golfing, ten-pin bowling, football and a tour of Newcastle’s stadium, St James’ Park.

However, the highlight of the trip for the teams was watching Newcastle United take on Arsenal at St James’ Park, with the hosts winning 1-0 in an electric atmosphere.

The children were treated to hospitality before the game, with excellent seats and attentive guides, and some children believe they met the owner on their way out of the ground.

All this would not have been possible without the support of the Lochnell and Oban football coaches, who volunteer weekly.

They give up their free time to train their year groups and organise a Sunday League by running games for P1-7s throughout the year.

This trip was the culmination of many years of hard work and commitment by the coaches and children.

The behaviour of the 30 children who attended was perfect; they were fantastic ambassadors for their football clubs and Oban.

All the adults who worked with them, from Newcastle United coaches to Dougie the bus driver from EW Executive Travel, commented on their lovely manners and fantastic listening skills.