Lochgilphead remembers

The Remembrance Sunday procession was very well attended both by wreath  layers, the different contingents and spectators.

Among those attending were representatives from Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue, Lochgilphead Community Council, armed Forces charity SSAFA, Lochgilphead Veterans, Lord  Lieutenant representative Sophie MacCartan, Army Cadet Force, Argyll and bute Council, the town’s churches, 19th Argyll Scouts/Cubs, the NHS, Lodge Loch Fyne and the Retired Police Federation.

A service was held at the Parish Church, led by Rev David Carruthers, before he procession made its way to the War Memorial, led by Mid Argyll Pipe Band.

After the service at the War Memorial on the Front Green, the Mid Argyll Pipe Band led the participants beck up to the Parish Church Hall, where attendees enjoyed soup and other refreshments catered for by The 19th Argyll Scouts.

All thanks must go to all who attended and help make it another success.

Among the spectators were Lochgilphead man Robbie Mactavish and his son Cairn, eight.

Robbie said: “The day was cold and bright. Cairn and myself headed out when we heard the pipes practising, we always make the effort to go either to George Square in Glasgow or down the front to pay our respects as both my grandfathers served and luckily both came back.

“My papa Jock Mactavish was a tank driver at the age of 19 and was awarded the Military Medal from Field Marshall Montgomery his actions.

“So for that and the countless others that never had a choice we pay respect.”

Jock Mactavish receives his Military Medal from Field Marshall Montgomery.