Ministers say no to funding new Screen Machine

The at-risk Screen Machine, a popular mobile cinema bringing films to rural areas, will not receive financial help from the Scottish Government.

The lease of the current lorry runs out in April 2024 and there is a real possibility it will no longer be able to provide the service to places including Lochgilphead, Tarbert and Inveraray. It experiences frequent breakdowns after 25 years touring the region, serving areas with no permanent cinemas.

A new Screen Machine is needed, which will cost around £1.4million and take up to 18 months to build.

It was hoped the Scottish Government might provide 50 per cent of the cost but those hopes have been dashed.

Highlands and Islands MSP Donald Cameron wrote to culture secretary Angus Robertson urging him to act after it emerged the much-loved service was under significant financial pressure. However, in response, Mr Robertson said: “The Scottish Government will continue working with partners to explore all options to secure a sustainable future for the machine.

“However, given the current difficult public expenditure environment, there are significant pressures on funding across the culture sector and we are continuing to work on options to ensure a balanced budget for this financial year.”

Mr Cameron said: “People across the Highlands and Islands will be disappointed at this lack of support for such a valuable resource.

“The suspicion is, quite understandably, that if this were a much-loved facility in the Central Belt it would be safeguarded without question.

“The Scottish Government says it is committed to investing in culture, yet it won’t put its hand in its pocket to protect the Screen Machine. Without it, thousands of people across the Highlands and Islands have no easy access to the cinema experience with people of all ages missing out. That’s unacceptable and should be enough to make ministers change their mind.”