Birthday celebration end at police station

A Campbeltown man had too much to drink when celebrating his birthday and was found rubbing his head on the pavement outside a fish and chip shop in the town.

“He had been celebrating his birthday, he had been drinking excessively and has no explanation for his behaviour; he can only apologise for his stupidity,” said the defence agent for Thomas Lawton.

Lawton, of 47 Castleacres, admitted behaving in a threatening or abusive manner by repeatedly shouting, swearing and acting in an aggressive manner on Longrow and at the town’s police station on October 21.

Procurator fiscal depute Ewan Nicholson said police on patrol saw the 31-year-old outside the fish and chip shop and he appeared to be in “an agitated state and shouting at other members of the public”.

“The officers warned him about his behaviour and he continued shouting; he was warned once again and at this point he fell to the floor and began rubbing his head against the pavement,” the fiscal added. “Police requested him to get up and at this point he became aggressive towards them.”

He was arrested and put in the back of the police van and taken to the police station; he continued to shout and swear.

“This must have been alarming for members of the public going about their business,” said Sheriff Euan Cameron as he placed Lawton on a community payback order of 65 hours of unpaid work to be completed within six months.