Home-start Lorn to host fundraising ceilidh

Get your dancing shoes on and head down to the Argyllshire Gathering Halls this Saturday, November 25.

Families befriending and support charity Home-Start Lorn is inviting you to join its fundraising ceilidh.

Proceeds from the event that starts at 7.30pm to the sounds of Donnie
MacCorquodale and Friends will go towards Home-Start’s work in the area.

Worker and volunteer support involves providing emotional and practical help to families who need it, that includes respite and weekly groups for people to get to know each other, where children can have a play, make new friends and parents can have some time to chat and relax.

The organisation relies on funding and donations, it also needs new volunteers who can spare one to two hours a week.

Tickets are £12 for adults, £5 for children and under threes get in for no charge. A family ticket for two adults and two children is 330.

Places are limited so please book first by emailing kelly@homestartlorn.org.uk or calling 07706237052 There might also be some tickets at the door on the day subject to availability.


Caption: Home-Start Lorn is organising a ceilidh this Saturday at the Argyllshire Gathering Halls