Lochgilphead consultant writes book of nursery rhymes

Lochgilphead-based fisheries consultant Simon Macdonald has written and illustrated his first book – a volume of nursery rhymes called A Rhyme in Time.

Simon’s debut book is already available on Amazon in paperback and on Kindle and will soon be available through other platforms and book sellers.

“I have had such enjoyment in writing and illustrating this, my first book,” said Simon.

“It has been what I could describe as great escapism from daily life and I hope it will bring as much pleasure to the reader and listener as it has brought to me in the creating of it.”

A Rhyme in Time is published by Norns Triad Publications in the United States.

Simon works as a fisheries, aquaculture and processing consultant and is also a presenter on USA Global TV, where he talks about the history and heritage of Scotland every Wednesday on its live show “The UK News and Culture”.