New hope for the future at Lamlash Community Hub

Have your say at open day

By Hugh Boag

The first steps have been made to try to secure the future of Lamlash church and hall.

Lamlash Community Hub steering committee is moving forward with its plans for a centre run by and for the community. This will allow existing groups that use the hall to continue.

Lamlash Parish Church closed its doors at the end of October and the steering committee has now informed the Church of Scotland it is looking to buy the property.

The planned redevelopment of the church would provide exciting opportunities for new groups and activities. The plan is to repurpose the buildings to house a meeting room, quiet room, exhibition and performance space and a space for group activities.

To find out what the people of Lamlash, and the wider community of Arran, would like to see developed, Lamlash Community Hub is holding an open day at Lamlash church hall on Saturday November 25 from 9am to 8pm.

Steering committee member Michael Gettins said: “This is an opportunity for residents to find out about the group’s progress and to let us know if they think it is important for us to have a community facility in Lamlash. We want this project to belong to the community so if people support this project we want to know what facilities they would like to see in a redeveloped church and hall.”

Chairperson Lilias Nicholls added: “These buildings have been at the centre of Lamlash village life for well over 100 years. Now, with the end of its church life and the closure of the halls too, we have an opportunity to create a resource for the use of all the community.”

“We wish to preserve the grandeur and beauty of a fine building whilst providing a warm modern welcoming space for fun, worship, recreation and education.”

Sheridan Waldon, development officer at Arran Community and Voluntary Service (CVS) said: “One of the roles of Arran CVS is to support community groups with taking their ideas forward. We are currently working with a number of groups that currently use the church hall. We are happy to be supporting this project as once the church hall closes, there will be no daytime community facility in Lamlash and limited access for any evening or weekend activities. It is important residents of the largest village on the island have access to community facilities that are managed in a way that meets their needs.”

At the open day there will be presentations and displays from groups that currently use the hall. Members of the steering committee will be in attendance to discuss ideas and there will be feedback boards to record community views.

Sheridan said: “A project like this needs a lot of support and commitment from the community to make it happen. We will use the feedback to decide if the project should proceed and, if so, will use the community’s views to shape the future redevelopment of the buildings.”

Lilias added: “We want to hear from as many people as possible. If you would like to take a more active role in the group, please come along to our open day and let us know what you think.”

Regular users of the hall include Alcoholics Anonymous, Rainbows, Lamlash Parent and Toddler Group, the Umbrella Group and the WellBeing Café.

A Church of Scotland spokesperson said:


Lamlash church and hall which the community are trying to save. 01_B41lamlash01_23_church_hall