Matiss saddles up for French adventure

A North Argyll cyclist will tackle the prestigious French cycling scene next season after signing with a new team.

Matiss Robertson, of Barcaldine, has joined the Elite/Reserve squad of the Isatis Cycling Team, giving the 22-year-old the chance to race in France’s National 3 Division.

He is preparing to move to Chaponnay near Lyon in January after meeting with his new teammates in France for the first time last Saturday.

“After the season I had this year in Scotland, I made a CV and sent it to as many teams as possible because I always wanted to join a French team,” he said.

“It is going to be a big change of scene and it is a whole different cycling culture in France compared to British cycling because I will be racing with better and faster riders.

“I’m hoping it will be a bit nicer weather there and that I can maybe work up a bit of tan.”

The University of Highlands and Islands graduate will be staying with family who live in the same Rhône Alpes region when he arrives for the 2024 season.

Matiss said: “I’m really looking forward to getting started. I think the season will likely begin in March, meaning I will spend the first two months mostly training. I have already done the kit order and I’m going to be getting some shiny new kit out there.”

The new Isatis Cycling Team kit Matiss Robertson will wear when he makes his French debut next year.

However, Isatis don’t have a bike sponsor which means Matiss will be taking his own trusted stead across the English Channel with him.

The promise of better weather and epic roads is an exciting prospect for him, but leaving the area will prove bittersweet for the North Argyll Cycle Club (NACC) member.

“The support I have received from the guys here has been superb and I’m going to miss all of them when I leave,” he added.

Matiss will be attending NACC’s annual general meeting on Friday November 24 after another successful year for the club.