All great things begin with ideas

Lochaber Chamber of Commerce review another highly productive week of inspiration and ideas.

Did we see you at Lochaber Ideas Week?

The 2023 extravaganza was a whirlwind of community and business events over the week November 13-17.

It was another busy week of insights and networking.

Here are the key business takeaways from the week:

On Monday, we found out about embracing AI and apps to make our business lives
easier and more efficient.

Takeaway: Lochaber Chamber needs to enthuse our membership to take the step to learn about the practical uses and the savings they could make in their business.

Question Time – Lochaber Chamber is well connected. Our excellent panel of guests from the world of politics and business agreed collaboration is the way forward.

Takeaway: Lochaber Chamber is always eager to engage with decision-makers on the issues facing businesses. If you are a business, being a Chamber member means we’ll speak up for your concerns.

Tourism Day sponsored by West Holidays on Tuesday brought lots of food for thought.

We heard about the challenges facing tourist areas and how they have adapted to meet those challenges. In the afternoon, we were inspired by new ways of incorporating food and drink trends into visitor experiences.

Discussion sessions provided fresh impetus into refreshing and refocusing the Outdoor Capital of the UK strategy.

The Charles Kennedy Lecture sponsored by Ferguson Shipping and Transport was this year presented by Willie Rennie MSP. This well-attended event always attracts an enthusiastic community audience.

The Lib Dem MSP and former Scottish party leader delivered an insightful lecture on the need for ‘Listening in a Noisy World’.

Takeaway: This lecture is important to the people of Lochaber and we look forward to the coming year.

Sponsored by Wyvex Media, the fast-paced speed networking event ‘Around Lochaber in 80 Tables’ was exhausting but fantastic fun.

Takeaway: This is a huge business benefit that makes it easy to forge connections.

In the afternoon, the community was invited to give its feedback on the Fort William Town Centre Masterplan. Consultants 360 Architecture presented a potential future for Fort William.

Takeaway: This was a total refresh and a new way of thinking about the place we all
love, with radical new imaginings of how our town centre could thrive. If you haven’t already had a look, head to the Highland Council website for more information.

‘Immigration and Succession Planning’ on Friday, sponsored by Harper Macleod, gave the business community a focused look at what businesses need to know and consider when considering immigration and/or next steps for their business.

Takeaway: You do not know what you do not know. Don’t assume: we all need to get the facts.

The Gala Dinner sponsored by Shiel Buses rounded off the week with a splendid evening courtesy of the Crieff Hydro Group and the Kings House Hotel.

Takeaway: It’s fantastic to get all our local businesses together to celebrate success and catch up for a powerful evening of networking.

Read more about Lochaber Ideas Week on pages 28 and 29.

Featured image: The tourism talk attracted a good audience. Photograph: Iain Ferguson.