Ballet teacher’s sex with pupils ‘was common knowledge’ trial is told

A court has heard how it was “quite common knowledge” that ballet teacher Jonathan Barton had sex with his students.

The 41-year-old is on trial at Dumbarton Sheriff Court accused of a total of 10 sexual offences against nine students spanning the period between September 2004 and July 2019.

Barton has denied all the charges.

Earlier this week, jurors heard from a 35-year-old woman who said she had sex with him at a ballet school she attended in Argyll and Bute where Barton lived and worked. The woman said they also had sex at a hostel in Stirling while away on tour.

The court heard from one women who was successful in auditioning for the ballet school in May 2004.

Prosecutor Dana Barclay was told by the witness how the school “fully immersed” its students with the hope of gaining professional contracts upon leaving. She also said the school went on tours as a company at various locations in Scotland.

She said she “looked up” to Barton, who she also described as being a “talented individual”. The woman told the court he was flirtatious with her as well as “touchy feely” when giving her extra attention at classes.

She claimed Barton first kissed her when she was 16 outside a chalet she stayed in with other students near the school and admitted to being flattered by his advances.

The woman recalled being asked to go to Barton’s bedroom when it was dark. She stated she had to climb up a ladder at the back of the property to get in before Barton showed her a collection of his medals.

She said: “He said if you stick with me, you can have one of these yourself one day. I didn’t read into it too much – it was a little creepy.”

The woman initially stated she had sex with Barton for the first time after kissing him. Miss Barclay asked how she felt about it and she replied: “I think nervous was the overriding feeling. I was young and someone I completely admired was giving me attention.”

The woman recalled another occasion when she had sex with Barton in a shower at the property, adding: “I guess in a way it was exciting but there was a part of me that was ashamed after it and confused. It was quite common knowledge that Jonathan would sleep with students.”

The woman also told the court when she was 17 she went on tour with Barton to Stirling for a production of the Chorus Line. The witness said that she and Barton had sex in a room at a hostel away from other colleagues. The woman told the court she left the ballet school at the end of the school year due to not liking the environment and dealing with severe anxiety.

Gary McAteer, defending, put it to the woman she was 18 when Barton had sex with her in Stirling, which she later accepted.

Mr McAteer asked if she consented which she replied: “Yes, he didn’t rape me, he asked for consent.”

The lawyer also suggested the woman told police that the first time they had sex was in the shower, which she also accepted.

Mr McAteer also suggested to the woman that the two sex acts took place after she turned 18. She refuted that claim.

Mr McAteer put to the witness that the pair had a “short lived affair” over weeks and months.

She replied: “Affair is a strong word. I was a pupil and he was a teacher – it wasn’t an affair or relationship as such. It’s not how I would describe an affair or relationship. Jonathan might have had an affair as he had an on-off partner.”

Mr McAteer asked if it was possible that the sexual activity happened after she turned 18. The woman replied: “Some of it could have but it started when I was 16.”

Barton is also accused of having had sexual intercourse or engaged in sexual activity with another girl aged between 16 and 17 at the school as well as a third girl he is alleged to have invited to private dance lessons and rubbed his body parts against her.

Other charges say Barton touched another girl’s inner thighs and buttocks, placing his hand on her knee and touching her near an inappropriate area.

A sixth girl is claimed to have been touched on the body, waist, hips and legs as well as touched her on the back and stomach. Barton is further stated to have moved her pelvis back and forward. Another charge claims Barton did a similar act towards another girl while he is also accused of sexually assaulting a girl by standing behind her so that his body touched hers. He is stated to have groped her on the breast and put his hand on her leg as well as near an intimate area of her body.

A final charge claims Barton stroked another girl’s face, neck and inner thigh.

At the time of going to press, the trial was continuing before Sheriff William Gallacher.