Glenfinnan Community Council

Glenfinnan Community Council (GCC) held its monthly meeting on Wednesday November 8 over Zoom and in the Jetty Hut.

Prior to the meeting, a short meeting convened and chaired by the Highland Council, Cllr Liz Saggers, was held to confirm the membership of the newly formed GCC and to invite nominations for office bearers.

The membership of the new GCC is: Ally Entwistle (Chair), Frances Whyte (Treasurer)
Victoria Stec (Secretary), Joan Robertson, Duncan MacFarlane.

It was agreed that Hege Hernæs would continue to be an Associate Member and it was also agreed to add the SCIO as an associate member organisation.

Among the issues discussed at the GCC meeting were:

Fireworks – Firework night was a great success with over 1000 visitors on the field. Thanks went to Les MacFarlane, Stephen Carruthers and Duncan Gibson for the display itself; Martin Whyte and the StageGroup for catering; Alistair and Fiona Gibson for car park management and crowd control; Pat Grieve for selling glowsticks; Joe Gillies, Manja and Ella Gibson, Tracey and Colin Gear, Ally Entwistle and Victoria Stec
for bucket collections; Alistair Gibson, Pat Grieve and the car park
ambassadors for the clear up the following day.

War Memorial –  Work has been carried out on the War Memorial and it was agreed that this has made a great difference for the better. There is a little more work to be done but the main part was ready in time for this year’s Remembrance Day.

Glenfinnan House Hotel – Jane MacFarlane and/or an ICMI representative will attend the December meeting to update the GCC on plans for the Hotel.

NTS report – There have been 525,000 visitors this year. The permanent pedestrian crossing will be installed in the week commencing November 25. Works are likely to take around a week and a half and it is not anticipated that there will be too much impact on the road itself.

The NTS had hoped to install an Electric Vehicle charging station but had not been able to get the necessary permission from the landowner.

Date of next meeting – Wednesday December 13.