Society meeting all abuzz about dragonflies of Scotland

The next Arran Natural History Society meeting will be the first online gathering of the autumn/winter season of talks and will cover the subject of dragonflies of Scotland.

The talk, simply titled Dragonflies of Scotland, will be hosted by Danièle Muir of the British Dragonfly Society (BDS) who will introduce the ecology of these beautiful insects plus some tips on identification.

Danièle is the Scottish conservation officer of the BDS and she will also update members on the work the society is doing to conserve the rarer species.

Her talk will be illustrated with some stunning close-up photography showing the complex anatomy and vibrant iridescent colours of the dragonflies that are native to Scotland.

Nature has been Danièle’s passion throughout her life and she has worked for the BDS for 10 years and as a countryside ranger and wildlife guide for 25 years.

When not working with dragonflies she runs the wildlife tour company, Perthshire Wildlife, leading beaver tours, running swift and amphibian conservation projects, and growing native wildflowers.

The talk will take place on Tuesday December 5, at 7.30pm. Members will be emailed the link to join the meeting or non-members can buy tickets (£5) via Eventbrite at


A northern emerald dragonfly. Photograph: Danièle Muir. No_B47ANHS01_23_northern_emerald