VIC 32 stars in photography award

Perhaps Mid Argyll’s most iconic vessel, VIC 32, the Clyde Puffer based at Crinan is one of two ships in West Highland waters which were winners in the National Historic Ships UK Photography Awards 2023.

The Newcomer of the Year Award was Wayne Starkey, Cheshire, for his striking image of the National Historic Fleet puffer VIC 32, taken whilst on holiday in Tayvallich.

He told judges he was returning from a walk one evening, heard a foghorn, and, looking over the bay, saw the majestic sight of the steamboat anchored there.

‘A runaway winner with the judging panel’ was the verdict.

Built in 1943, the puffer ferried building materials, fuel and ammunition. Today, she is operated by Puffer Steamboat Holidays Ltd, a wholly owned a subsidiary of the Puffer Preservation Trust.

The Glenelg ferry won the People’s Choice Award in a photograph by Ian Southerin, also of Cheshire: Crew Embarking the MV Glenachulish.

Since 1983, MV Glenachulish has plied the Kyle Rhea Narrows, the oldest and fastest ferry route to the Isle of Skye; she is the world’s last remaining manually operated turntable ferry.

The winners were announced on Wednesday night on board The Royal Yacht Britannia, at Leith.