Ardnamurchan musicians go on the record at Ardgour studio

Seven youngsters from Ardnamurchan made their way to Watercolour Music studio to embark on their debut studio recording experience on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 of November.

The Ardnamurchan musical septet made the short journey to Ardgour.

Allan MacInnes, 14, Colla MacDonald, 14, Eliza Moffat, 13, Eilidh MacKay, 12, Alasdair MacKay, 14, Roscoe Dawes, 14 and Duncan MacAulay, 13 have been making music together for some time and, under the guidance of teacher and parent Angus MacKay, have performed at many local community events in Ardnamurchan and beyond.

They have also done very well in both local and National Mòds.

Alasdair MacKay.

The talented young Gaels came together to produce a four-track EP at the renowned studio which happens to be right on their doorstep.

Watercolour Music in Ardgour is run by producer and engineer Nick Turner together with Gaelic singer, instrumentalist and broadcaster Mary Ann Kennedy, who are both masters in their craft.

From left, Colla, Eliza, Eilidh and Allan.

The youngsters spent two whole days fully immersed in the recording experience and getting an insight into many other aspects of the process of creating a record.

The event was arranged by Lauren Byrne from Comunn na Gàidhlig with financial support from Fèisean nan Gàidheal’s Maoin nan Ealain Gàidhlig (Gaelic Arts) fund.

Getting together in the studio.

The aim of the project was to provide the group with an interesting and exciting experience in a unique environment and to connect with and learn from local experts with a strong connection to Gaelic.

In celebrating and sharing some fantastic Gaelic music and culture the septet learned a lot and really enjoyed themselves.

Alasdair (left) and Roscoe.

Comments from members of the group on their experience include:

“Thug e nam chuimhne prògram tbh a chunnaic mi air Na Beatles o’ chionn ghoirid.  Bha iad dìreach air stad a dhol air tùr.  ‘S ann an uairsin, ann an studios Abbey Road, a chruthaich iad a’ cheòl as soirbheachaile agus as ainmeile air a bheil sinn cho eòlach an-diugh.  Cha mhòr nach robh mi a’ feitheamh ri guth George Martin a chluinntinn tro na headphones agam!”

“It reminded me of a programme I saw about the Beatles recently. They had just finished touring. It was then, in Abbey Road studios, that they created their most successful and famous music that we all know today. I was almost waiting to hear George Martin’s voice through my headphones!”

“’S e deagh chothrom a bh’ ann dha-rìribh.”

“It was such a good opportunity.”

“Bha Nick uabhasach fhèin gasta agus cuideachail.”

“Nick was excellent and really helpful.”

“Chòrd e rium gu mòr a bhith a’ clàradh ann an studio cho snog”

“I really enjoyed it recording in such a nice studio.”

“Tha sinn an dòchas gum faigh sinn an cothrom tilleadh air latha a’ choreigin a-rithist!”

“We hope we’ll get the chance to come back again another time.”

Keep an eye out for the finished product which will be available to the public in the not too distant future.

From left, Allan, Eilidh, Roscoe, Alasdair, Duncan, Eliza and Colla.

Featured image: Nick Turner, foreground, leads a session with, back row from left, Duncan MacAulay, Colla MacDonald, Roscoe Dawes, Allan MacInnes, Eliza Moffat and Eilidh MacKay. NO_F48_ArdnamurchanPupils_23_WatercolourStudio 05