Comedies come to Appin and Seil

Benderloch and North Connel Drama Club is going on a wee tour next week, bringing three short comedies to the communities of Appin and Seil.

The plays are from coarse acting series of plays made famous by Michael Green, who wrote the book The Art of Coarse Acting.

Pleasant Slaughter sees Lavinia and Oliver meet in a hotel in Nice. They are ex-lovers but their meeting is coincidence.

They spend the evening reliving their former lives, dancing and dining together, meeting old friends Binky and Bunny, and finally realising why their love couldn’t have possibly survived.

Or at least that’s what would have happened but for an unfortunate accident that befalls Oliver.

In Trapped, it is a stormy night, in a country house far from civilisation,  where there is the reading of a will in front of the assembled family.

All the ingredients for a perfect Agatha Christie murder mystery. Major Thompson and his wife are here, as are cousins George, Shiela and Freda.

The country solicitor and the maid make up the house party but one of them is a murderer and escape from the manic is impossible.

They are all Trapped – or they would have been if the stage crew had done their jobs properly.

Everyone knows the fairy-tale story of Cinderella, her beastly step-sisters and the dashing Prince Charming.

This is a traditional pantomime with a coarse acting twist, where effects are over ambitious and there is no love lost between certain members of the cast.

Benderloch and North Connel Drama Club’s An Evening of Coarse Acting takes place in Appin Village Hall, Friday December 8, at 7.30pm and Seil Island Community Hall on Saturday December 9, at 7.30pm.

Tickets £8 / £6 (concessions) available at Appin Shop, Balvicar Stores, on the door and online through Ticketsource at