Endurance man John enters week five of hunger strike

Lochailort hunger striker John Brydon has entered the fifth week of his protest with no sign of Network Rail rethinking its decision to build a 24/7 yard next door to his Children’s Respite Home.

Former policeman John Bryden, chairman of the Kirsty’s Kids charity at Craiglea, began his hunger strike on November 1. Since then he and his wife Jan, the charity’s treasurer, have been holding a daily roadside protest “to save kirstyskids.org”.

For many people undertaking challenges and putting themselves under personal discomfort to raise awareness of their charity is common practice.

It can be to raise funds for a special cause by doing an endurance swim like swimming across the channel or like John travelling 8,104 miles in four weeks across the Artic Circle and northern Siberia unaided to promote Kirsryskids.org.

On this occasion John has chosen to fast and as he needed to be at the charity centre to work with the team there, he felt that using a prolonged fast would help do just that.

While the Network Rail project carries on, he intends to continue but as he says fasting for 40 days and 40 nights is not unknown to him.

Being a person who lives on one non-carb meal a day, with zero processed food, he is incredibly suited to the task and able to carry on working as normal.

Certainly it does take extreme endurance, strong mental health as well as physical well being to stave of any cravings.

Water intake and constant monitoring is vital to keep healthy and in control.

Kirsty’s Kids administrator Sally Gardner told the Lochaber Times: “As a team we are very strong and working at Kirstyskids.org is helping all of us to act professionally as a registered Scottish Charity to get resolution from the disruption.

“John is well used to living as a fat adapted fit athletic person and having spoke to his GP this morning (Monday) is still fit and doing very well.

“Don’t try this at home,” he says.

Read more about John’s protest at www.obantimes.co.uk/2023/11/23/hunger-striker-enters-fourth-week/.

Photograph (Week 46): A group hug with John Bryden, his wife Jan and charity administrator Sally Gardner. Photograph: Iain Ferguson, alba.photos. IF_T46_Kirsty’s Kids protest_07_Photograph_Iain Ferguson