Santa’s elves lead the way to Rotary Christmas Festival

Despite the day starting with sub-zero temperatures and frozen windscreens, the Rotary Christmas Festival attracted over 2,000 visitors from all over Lochaber – with many travelling from Oban, Fort Augustus and Aviemore.

Santa’s sleigh emerges from the mist in the procession to the Nevis Centre. Photograph: Iain Ferguson, alba,.photos.

Starting the day in Cameron Square, Santa’s elves, seven-year-old Lewis Traill
from Lundavra Primary in Fort William and 10-year old Evie Kenning from Arisaig
Primary, brought Christmas cheer to the High Street as they helped Santa steer the
sleigh with the Cairngorm Reindeer over the Parade Green.

Ben Nevis Cheerleaders dancing in the street. Photograph: Iain Ferguson, alba,.photos.

Led by the Lochaber Pipe Band and the Ben Nevis Cheerleaders, Santa, ably assisted by Evie and Lewis, waved to the enthusiastic crowds.

As in previous years, the Lochaber Times partnered Rotary in publicising the “Santa’s Elves competition”.

Cameron Square became a Reindeer stable. Photograph: Iain Ferguson, alba,.photos.

Rotary President Flora McKee welcomed Santa to the Nevis Centre where over 60 stalls showcased Lochaber’s wide range of designer crafts and quality food, including locally smoked venison, chutney, salmon fillets, baking and honey.

Flora said: “We are happy to confirm that stallholders reported healthy business throughout the day and once again accompanied youngsters under 16 benefitted from free sessions on the Bouncy Castle and the Soft Play Area as well as a free Christmas present from Santa.”

Christmas goodies and a membership drive at the Rotary Club’s own stall. Photograph: Iain Ferguson, alba,.photos.

As in previous Rotary festivals, local transport firm, Ferguson Transport and Shipping,
were the main sponsors of the event and Alasdair Ferguson, Group MD of the company
said: “The success of the festival is down to the hard work of the Rotary Club and we are very proud of the partnership we have developed over the years.”

A young man waits anxiously as Rotarians organise his Santa appointment and present. Photograph: Iain Ferguson, alba,.photos.

The doll raffle in aid of local MacMillan Nurses, to guess its date of birth, raised over

The date of birth was December 29 and the closest to this date was Jessie Gourley.

The Alzheimer’s Scotland stall raised £192.

Waiting for a visit to Santa. Photograph: Iain Ferguson, alba,.photos.

President Flora thanked Alasdair for the continuing sponsorship and added “I would like to thank everyone who has helped make this a successful day – the stallholders, the Nevis Centre staff, the Cairngorm Reindeer Company, Evie and Lewis, the Rotarians and their wives and partners and, most of all the public who help make this a very special event.

“We hope to see you all back next year.

“Finally, we are all missing our festival stalwart Sheana Fraser, and we wish her a speedy recovery and thank her for still assisting whist in her sick bed. Get well soon Sheana.”

Lochaber Wind Band entertained with festive music in Busker’s Corner. Photograph: Iain Ferguson, alba,.photos.
Arran Ferguson was delighted with his present from Santa. Photograph: Iain Ferguson, alba,.photos.