Tarbert and Skipness priorities targeted at AGM

Wellbeing, housing, employment and climate change are among the priorities for the communities of Tarbert and Skipness.

These are the aims in the Community Plan 2023 to 2026, which was launched at the Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust (TSCT) AGM on Wednesday November 22.

The Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust Community Plan forms the foundation for the future work of TSCT over the next three years.

Reflecting the views of the residents of the TSCT catchment area, the Plan is a multi-generational view of the community which has been gathered from meetings and drop-in sessions.

The plan is more than a wish list, it is broken down into five sections: Healthier; Competitive, Educated and Working; Greener and Sustainable; Welcoming, Vibrant and Confident and Inclusive, Fair and Caring, the plan has identified specific targets which will make the lives of all generations better.

Of course, not all targets are created equal and while some are more easily achievable, others such as working with partners for the construction of affordable homes in Tarbert or repairing the Claonaig to Skipness road will take a multi-agency approach.

The plan is a live document which will be updated annually to show the progress achieved over the year, with the first update due in November 2024 at the next TSCT AGM.