Members of the Inveraray and District History Society descended to new levels with their November talk, Under Loch Fyne, which focused on natural history and the wonders under the waves of our local loch.

During an interesting and informative talk, presented by dive team members Clive, Maggie, Lin and Ray, those present learned of the equipment, challenges and techniques employed when diving in Loch Fyne.

Flame Shells are a protected species.

As well as covering subjects such as Marine Protected Areas, Scottish Statutory Instrument Inshore Fishing regulations, etc. Marine biologist and diver, Lin Baldock, also showed many stunning photographs which introduced attendees to the varied, beautiful and fascinating creatures and plants that inhabit the floor of the loch.

Next month’s talk takes place at 7.30pm on Tuesday December 5 in the Inveraray Parish Church hall. The talk will be presented by author Kate Phillips, on Bought and Sold – Scotland, Jamaica and Slavery. All Welcome. Visitors £5.