Villagers battle it out at beetle drive

Tayinloan Village Hall was a hive of activity when a youth group held a beetle drive in November.

The room erupted with excitement as teams battled to be the first to draw a complete beetle at the Tayinloan Youth Club fundraiser, with players repeatedly rolling their dice hoping to land on the numbers corresponding to the insect’s body parts.

While it is a game of luck, youth seemed to be on the winners’ side, with Hurd siblings Louise, 15, Craig, 13, and five-year-old Angus accumulating the most points after 12 rounds.

There was a break halfway through, with parents and friends of the youth club baking up a storm to provide a varied buffet of sweet treats which were served alongside tea, coffee and juice.

Tayinloan Village Hall was a hive of activity for the beetle drive.

Youth leader Marilyn Shedden was the evening’s compère, keeping everyone right with the rules of the game and drawing the raffle with the help of the youngsters after the tea.

In a bid to boost funds on the night, Marilyn sold some paintings belonging to her, bringing the total raised to £355.

This will support the youth club to hold its weekly meetings, where youngsters and youth leaders enjoy a wide range of games and activities, including playing football, pool and board games, and carrying out various crafts.

The club also holds special events, like its upcoming festive movie night, for which everyone will gather in the hall in their pyjamas, with duvets and sleeping bags, to watch a movie of their choice, and its annual Christmas party.

Representatives of the youth club also have the opportunity to take part in national youth initiatives including Youth Scotland’s Big Ideas event which allows them to learn new skills, network, share ideas and celebrate the impact of youth work.

It also enables young people to gain awards which are credit rated and levelled on the Scottish Credit Qualifications Framework (SCQF).

Tayinloan Youth Club does not charge its youngsters any fees, including for their weekly snacks, so relies on grants and fundraising to allow it to operate.

“Thank you very much to all who attended our beetle drive and supported our fundraising efforts, as well as local residents and businesses for contributing to our raffle,” said a youth club spokesperson.

“Every penny will help us support our young people and we sincerely appreciate the community’s support.”