At Random with Martin Laing – Thursday November 30 2023

Building for the future

I am not religious in any way, yet I find the subject fascinating on a number of levels and respect the right of others to follow the religion of their choice.

I suspect, though, that some people will allow their beliefs to invest their views with illogical reasoning over some issues.

So it was with that caveat that I read the story about the “controversial plan to demolish and replace the historic Oban Baptist Church”. Apparently, the building in Albany Street is no longer big enough to accommodate its growing congregation.

A number of thoughts immediately struck me, perhaps most strikingly surprise that the Baptist Church membership in Oban is expanding to such a degree. I am happy for them and hope it continues.

Then I considered the application to take down the current structure and replace it with a new church and community centre, which garnered 12 objections and 48 letters of support. Hm. Historic Environment Scotland said the building is “not of special architectural or historic interest” and does not deserve to be listed.

I have, of course, no expertise in this matter but I support the application for change. Let us leave sentimentality out of the deliberations. If the structure is not of significant architectural or historic interest and is no longer fit for purpose, we should grant the Baptists permission to build a new church and wish them well.

Height of interest

I found my attention gripped last week by the aerial photograph in the district news of this year’s Remembrance Parade. It was taken by a drone flown by Oban Sea Cadets and showed the hundreds of people parading along the esplanade to the war memorial.

It gave a wholly different perspective to a familiar part of town and I spent an inordinate amount of time studying the picture. Thanks to the Sea Cadets for the image.

And it was heartwarming to see such a large turnout.

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