Data from the deep

Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) scientists have played a part in a technological breakthrough in oceanography showing how uncrewed robotic vehicles can collect crucial data from deep in the ocean.

A successful mission between SAMS, AutoNaut and Sonardyne used a robotic vehicle named Jura to retrieve data from sensors 1,800m down in the Rockall Trough.

The data will tell oceanographers more about huge transatlantic currents that dictate much of Earth’s climate.

Propelled by the waves, the uncrewed surface vessel that was deployed by SAMS and manufactured by AutoNaut in the UK, remotely collected data from the Sonardyne Fetch AZA bottom pressure recorders, before sending it back to oceanographers on shore via satellite.

Scientists say the successful mission is a step change in how oceanographic data is collected and reduces the reliance on ships for deep sea fieldwork.

Professor Mark Inall, an oceanographer SAMS, said it was an incredible achievement.
“It has never been more important to have accurate and up-to-date measurements about what is happening in our ocean, which is undergoing major and rapid changes in the face of climate change.

“While traditional ship-based observations provide the most reliable data, such scientific cruises take some time to organise, are expensive and produce a large carbon footprint.

“This Autonaut mission feels like a major milestone for oceanography as it opens up a new way of collecting more data, more regularly, which is key to improving climate
predictions and helping us to prepare for what the future may hold,” he said.

The mission was part of the Future Marine Research Infrastructure programme, funded by UK Research and Innovation’s Natural Environment Research Council.