Glasgow Letter – week 48 2023

I think it was Benjamin Franklin who said nothing in life is certain except death, taxes and the Glasgow Skye Association Annual Gathering on the first weekend in December!

Ever since I’ve been in Glasgow, and long before, the Glasgow Skye has felt like the beginning of the festive period.

There is always a heated debate throughout Scottish society about when to put the Christmas decorations up. I have recently decided the correct time is the weekend of the Skye Gathering.

This year, as I wrote last week, the Skye has a fantastic line-up for the concert in the Glasgow University Union featuring Alice MacMillan, Catherine Tinney, Ruairidh Cormack and Ruairidh Gray.

For the dance afterwards, they have the best in the business in Robert Nairn and his cèilidh band and guest of honour for the evening, legendary singer Alasdair Gillies.

Tickets are available online, at the door on the night or from the Park Bar.

I hope the event is well attended because I read online that the equivalent Tiree dance, just a fortnight ago, saw perhaps the association’s lowest attendance to date.

The association has therefore created a survey and is keen to hear feedback from members and dance goers on what could be done to revitalise this event.

If you have any thoughts, head over to its Facebook page and help keep its incredibly important gathering alive.

The Glasgow Skye is not the only show in town this weekend though, as you will see from my What’s On section.

Skipinnish take to the famous Barrowland Ballroom on Saturday night in what is surely the ideal curer for anyone looking to carry on the cèilidh after the Glasgow Skye the previous evening.

Once again, I am missing out on a great weekend in Glasgow as I am currently en route to the ferry to Rotterdam to begin a run of gigs in Germany and the Netherlands. I return to Glasgow the following weekend but, sadly, not in time for the famous Hoolie in the Hydro which will be such a great celebration of traditional Highland music led by Gary Innes.

There are also a couple of association cèilidhs that weekend – in Clydebank and Edinburgh – details of which I will include in next week’s letter but have a look online to see the line-ups. Looking at my calendar, I will be writing that particular column somewhere between Amsterdam and Nijmegen.

What’s on

Thursday November 30: Glasgow Skye Association Annual Dinner, 7.30pm, Glasgow University Union.

Friday December 1: Glasgow Skye Association Annual Gathering Concert, 7pm, Glasgow University Union, followed by dance.

Saturday December 2: Skipinnish live in the Barrowlands Ballroom

Friday December 8: Clydebank and District Highland Association cèilidh, Clydebank Waterfront Parish Church Hall, 7.30pm.

Saturday December 9: Comunn Tìr nam Beann cèilidh in Augustine United Church, Edinburgh, 7.30pm.

Saturday December 9: Hoolie in the Hydro.