Lochaber Times Leader: November 30 2023

Party season is a joy to behold

Oh how lovely it was to see the plethora of festive light-up photographs pinging their way into the Lochaber Times inbox this week.

After a year of economic strain and inclement weather woes, it was heartening to see everyone out and about enjoying themselves.

Children enjoyed their first sightings of Santa for the season, while older revellers enjoyed the festive fayre on offer and early Christmas shopping.

Fort William Festive Fund and Lochaber Rotary reported large attendances at the Street Party and Christmas Festival respectively.

Christmas is a time for coming together and the communities of Lochaber certainly fulfilled that part last weekend.

But we should also remember Christmas time is not a time of merriment for everyone.

For some people, it can be a difficult time for many different reasons, such as loss of a loved one, living too far from relatives or not being able to afford all you want to make the ‘big day’ special.

We already know what a caring, community-spirited place Lochaber is, so why not take some time during the festive period to pop in on a neighbour who you think may be feeling a bit low or give what you can to one of the many local charities to brighten up someone else’s Christmas?

Let’s make it a merry Lochaber Christmas for everyone.