Lochgilphead school on a fund-raising mission

Lochgilphead Joint Campus has been hosting a variety of special charity events over the last few months, writes Fergus Mackay.

To start off the school year, the charity committee and pupil leadership team had ambitious hopes to raise the highest amount of money ever raised by the school in the space of 12 months.

First up came the Macmillan coffee morning held on Friday September 29.

The school had high expectations for this event as it is always lucrative in terms of raising money for a great cause and close to the hearts of everyone at the campus.

Using many channels, some old and some new, it was time to get creative with the fundraising.

As expected the school held a bake sale, as well as hosting a JustGiving donation page, which did very well.

Also, to try something a bit different, the pupils and staff walked a combined 100 miles to show support for and solidarity with those struggling with cancer.

Following the Macmillan Cancer ethos of making sure no-one stands alone against the wicked illness, the team effort proved to be successful.

With each pupil and staff member walking a minimum of four laps of the 200m track, the total was smashed by a whopping 50 km.

The industrious efforts of all those involved did not go unrewarded, with cake and coffee all round for those involved and a total of £1,013 being raised.

Despite the strong start in our fundraising calendar, the campus was then called into action again for the BBC Children in Need appeal.

School tradition dictates that this event must be marked by a whole school dodgeball tournament, which includes the much-anticipated pupils vs staff game – often a favourite among the pupils, but less so for the staff!

Either way, all teams played well, with the staff managing a win against their fifth and sixth year opponents.

Following the success of the JustGiving pages, and the use of a raffle to entice some of the adults – with prizes such as vouchers for local hotel, some cakes, an electric heater and some book vouchers – the day was a big success.

A special prize – a giant teddy bear – was also up for grabs, in a game of ‘guess the square, win the bear’.

Following a count of the cash made solely from Children in Need, the final total was £1,126.50, raising even more than was made at the Macmillan coffee morning.

Much to  everyone’s excitement, the charity events seem to be picking up traction with more and more money being raised at every event.

A special thanks is also due to all those who supported the school’s efforts, in particular the companies and individuals who graciously donated raffle prizes.

It is safe to say everyone at the campus has high hopes for the coming year as the charity events keep coming.

Everyone is focused on raising as much money as possible for many worthwhile causes.